Lux Trading Firm, a leading proprietary trading firm, is breaking barriers this Black Friday with a game-changing deal that puts elite trading opportunities within reach for traders of all account sizes.

What’s Lux Trading Firm’s Black Friday deal about?
Lux Trading Firm is offering a remarkable Black Friday deal, allowing traders to acquire a $1 million account for just $999. This unparalleled offer is a stark departure from the standard evaluation process cost of $11,000 for a 200k account, making high-value trading accessible like never before.
What sets Lux Trading Firm’s Black Friday deal apart is not only the unbeatable price but also the flexibility it introduces. Traditionally confined to one account per AET class, Lux Trading Firm now permits multiple accounts of the same type. Traders can add a second, third, or fifth account to their portfolio, each managed separately as long as different trades are executed.
This exclusive offer is available for a limited time during Black Friday week, adding urgency for traders keen on seizing this opportunity. Lux Trading Firm emphasizes the importance of acting swiftly to benefit from this unprecedented deal.
Lux Trading Firm’s move to democratize access to high-value accounts sets a new standard for Black Friday deals in the proprietary trading industry. Traders interested in elevating their trading game and capitalizing on this exclusive offer must act quickly, as the window of opportunity is closing.
About Lux Trading Firm
Lux Trading Firm is one of the leading prop trading firms, with offices based in London and Slovakia, Bratislava. They specialize in supporting experienced prop traders and commit to helping them excel by providing the necessary tools and capital they need to compete in unpredictable market conditions.
Before diving in, read our reviews for the forex proprietary trading firms and make an informed choice.