Category: Prop News
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Unraveling the Web of High-Frequency Trading: Strategies, Risks, and Market Dynamics

Explore the prop firms that allow holding forex pairs over the weekend for informed trading decisions.

In an exclusive interview with FundedNext, a rising trader, Margareta, shares insights into her trading journey

The secrets of precision trading with My Funded FX's 1-Step Drawdown Illustration

Find out here what are proprietary trading platform used by firms.

"How much do profit splits vary among prop trading firms?

Seamless Trading Experience: Lux Trading Now Linked with MT5

Crypto Fund Trader's 2023 success: monthly growth, resilience, and a growing community in cryptocurrency trading.

Swap-free accounts, also termed Islamic accounts, accommodate traders with religious objections to interest-based transactions.

Navigating the No-Trade Zone: Forbidden Trading Strategies Unveiled